My Vegan Cookbook: Simple, Delicious And Wholesome Recipes

Author: Betty Chetcuti

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  • : 45.00 AUD
  • : 9780646844985
  • : Betty Chetcuti
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  • : 01 October 2021
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  • : 45.0
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  • : books

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  • : Betty Chetcuti
  • : Paperback
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Barcode 9780646844985


How did a conversation in a cafe with intensive care doctor Andrew Davies lead to my decision to become plant based? We had both completed a Saturday morning exercise around the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne, and then over coffee, we chatted about my foray into celery juicing. His question to me of 'why do you separate the juice from the fibre' was pivotal and as a person raised around home grown food and with a deep respect for science and wellbeing, I was interested in hearing more. He told me the story about his wife's Aunt Dulcie who survived severe heart disease after adopting plant based eating and this sparked his interest and quest to learn more. Andrew's research of medical literature and interviews with key medical experts formed over 70 episodes of his @newnormalproject podcast. He recommended I watch 'What the Health'. Conducting over 700 hours of research, I was more than convinced about the health impacts of plant based eating. I also became more compassionate and appreciative towards all animals and concerned about the condition of our planet. I then started planning meals for my family for the week and this list grew into this book. As a psychologist, I use key principles to help you take small steps and provide you with easy to access information to help you make choices to eat what works for you. It shows that most of what we eat is already plant based and that with a few small and simple changes anyone can increase their physiological and psychological health. The book is a story of doing your best, learning how to feel confident with food, and that with some basics many a delicious recipe can be put together to satisfy nourish, heal and nurture. I am so looking forward to hearing back from you with stories of improved health that you will notice within days and weeks (crazy, I know). Be kind, enjoy many moments of each day, and I hope this book inspires you to cook great new foods and make small changes that work for you. Betty Chetcuti